June 17, 2015

Wandering Wednesday

Friday, June 19, is World Sauntering Day. The purpose is to remind us to take it easy, smell the roses,  slow down, enjoy life as opposed to rushing through it. How many of us have been told this?
Slowing down in my world is means designing quilts and piecing quilts and hiking and white hatting (volunteer to help passengers departing and arriving very early Friday mornings) at the Calgary airport.
This week smelling the roses means quilt designing using the soon to arrive Northcott Bundle of Love panel and sauntering through Pine Top in the Kananaskis on a beautiful day not to hot, not to cold, just right.
Bundle of Love Panel by Northcott

ferns and forest
huge ant hill
wood lily

June 3, 2015

Doughnuts and Clean Air and Social Media

Today of all days is Doughnut Day, National Clean Air Day and learn Social Media Day.

You know the never say never saying. When the smart phones came out I was just happy happy with my own flip phone. I'm never going to need a smart phone. What do I need a smart phone for. I should have said to heck with it and bought one in the beginning because it is now a game of catch up.

While learning social media today, from a young whipper snapper, I had doughnuts to keep the brain functioning so that the air stayed clean. I wonder if there is a Hair Pulling Out day?

It was so nice to get home and work on the next design, Q-links.