August 28, 2017

Blocks 124-126 Week 42 Moving

Countdown: 9
Speaking of countdowns in four more months Christmas will be over and we'll be looking forward to a new year.

Even when you're packing up someone else's belongings moving is tiring. Boxes, clothes, dishes, linen, shoes, ... and ... and ...  and .... What goes to charity? What goes with you? Haven't decided which is more tiring packing or unpacking. Now it is all done and waiting to be recycled or reused. 

The best part is the three days of mandatory sewing starting today. Yahoo!

Block 123 revision Step 3 the square should be 3 1/2" not 4 1/2". Be sure to reprint the page. You may have to refresh the pdf page to get the revision. 

B l o c k s   1 2 4,  1 2 5,  1 2 6
Thank goodness for one of the next women and her studies in women's health. 
Here come da judge. Why a woman of course.
Last but not least a non conformist who believed in diversity.

124 Anna Marion Hilliard
125 Helen Kinnear
126 Violet E (Beth) Candlish


August 21, 2017

Week 41 Blocks 121-123 Four Fifths complete

The countdown is now 10 weeks of blocks remaining. Yowsers! 
Did everyone see the solar eclipse thru welding glasses, the cereal box or on tv? Our universe is so incredible. I'm always saying that I was born at a fabulous time. Incredible discoveries and inventions and rock 'n roll music. Photo from Calgary Alberta Canada.
This composite image has multiple photos of the eclipse taken three minutes apart from a view in Calgary's Westhills area. (Submitted by John Mcdougall)

Photo from Rexburg Idaho USA
11:57 am Aug 21 2017 @astrogeo Rexburg Idaho 

B l o c k s   1 2 1,  1 2 2,  1 2 3
Week 41's women are just as incredible. Brain surgeon, endocrinologist, and Iron Lady of the North. Each in their own way can move between professionalism and every day life.

121 Elizabeth "Betty" MacRae
122 Eleanor Hill Venning
123 Nellie J Cournoyea


August 14, 2017

Blocks 118-120 Week 40 - Crabapples Galore

This year we had major winds in early spring and my crabapple tree never had any blossoms. I figured that there would be very little if any crabapples. Boy was I wrong. There are more crabapples than ever before. The branches bending from all the weight.

This week the lessons I learned are participate in what you love not because it is cool, always have things in writing and learn survival skills.

B l o c k s   1 1 8,   1 1 9,   1 2 0

118 Kaila Mussell
119 Shaaw Tláa (Kate Carmack)
120 Taqulittuq (Tookoolito)


August 7, 2017

Week 39 Blocks 115-117 Downsizing

My mom is 92, Lord love her, and she is still teaching me. It's been one of those 2 weeks for all of us. The night before she moved to a seniors lodge I think she decided that OMG her children haven't packed all her worldly possessions, I better finish packing. The next morning, moving day, we get a phone call, "I hurt my back." She was packing and moving boxes. The first days were very positive and the lodge is excellent but, where are her boxes and the pain has not gone away. You have to love her for acting 50 in a 92 year old body.

Moral of the story is be kind to your children and start downsizing at 50-60 even if you are not moving to another home. Do not save your worldly possessions for your children or grand children or great grand children or great great grand children. Give it to them or the thrift stores or churches or shelters, NOW. Five years from today the object will be obsolete. Plan and tell your children what you want done should anything happen. I tried to get mom to plan 20 years ago. Her answer "I'm not that old." It is surprising at how little you really need for survival.

Week 39 - twelve more groups of Canadian women remain. It's so close can you feel the excitement growing. These next three women traveled across Canada or to the US to do what they wanted to accomplish. If men can do it women can do it as well. Where there is a will there is always a way.

B l o c k s   1 1 5,  1 1 6,  1 1 7

115 Audrey Marlene McLaughlin
116 Jenny Dill
117 Dr Emily Howard Jennings Stowe
