August 21, 2017

Week 41 Blocks 121-123 Four Fifths complete

The countdown is now 10 weeks of blocks remaining. Yowsers! 
Did everyone see the solar eclipse thru welding glasses, the cereal box or on tv? Our universe is so incredible. I'm always saying that I was born at a fabulous time. Incredible discoveries and inventions and rock 'n roll music. Photo from Calgary Alberta Canada.
This composite image has multiple photos of the eclipse taken three minutes apart from a view in Calgary's Westhills area. (Submitted by John Mcdougall)

Photo from Rexburg Idaho USA
11:57 am Aug 21 2017 @astrogeo Rexburg Idaho 

B l o c k s   1 2 1,  1 2 2,  1 2 3
Week 41's women are just as incredible. Brain surgeon, endocrinologist, and Iron Lady of the North. Each in their own way can move between professionalism and every day life.

121 Elizabeth "Betty" MacRae
122 Eleanor Hill Venning
123 Nellie J Cournoyea



  1. Thanks for sharing those two photos. We had a perfect view in Oak Ridge, TN, but not the right camera.

  2. Hi Kat, Just finishing up block 123 and in Step 3, the centre square should be 3 1/2" not 4 1/2" as indicated. Thanks so much for such a wonderful QAL.

    1. Thank you Sandra. The Step 3 error was corrected very early Wednesday morning. Please go back and reprint if need be.
