May 1, 2017

Halfway - Blocks 73 to 75

Halfway! For me the year begins in September not January. So, in my corner of the world halfway is when mother nature starts waking up all the trees and flowers, and the birds are nesting. This year the mayday tree and especially the rose bushes are early. And that means life begins anew.

Woohoo, we are also halfway to 150! The program has gone unbelievably fast. No matter if you are just saving for later or just beginning or up to date, it's been so much fun. We love seeing all your blocks on the facebook group 150 CW Quilt Along. All of you are doing so well.

This week two of the women learned their way around the courtroom and the third learned her way around the sky. Even though we have already learned about 72 amazing women, I am still amazed at how the women no matter where they were and what they did, met the same doors, looked through the same windows, worked their way through the same adversities and accomplished so much more than they probably ever dreamed of. They all pursued what they loved. It makes me proud to be a woman and very thankful I am.

B l o c k s   7 3,  7 4,  7 5

Available Tuesday May 2 at 10 am Mountain.

72 Violet King
73 Emily Ferguson Murphy
74 Eileen Vollick

For those of you that are making the 72 block quilt the instructions are on this page under Connector Corner on square with Fabric Diagrams - just above the blocks.

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